Homecare & Residential care
Homecare & Residential care

The use of the Pico Mass by home & residential care organisations primarily saves time when dispensing medication. Studies have shown time savings averaging 12 minutes per medication presentation.
Whereas previously each physical visit was billed, some 1,000 minutes per month per client, this now only involves using the medication dispenser and placing the medication roll twice a month. This reduces costs by more than 80%.
As a care organisation, you have complete control over the use of the Pico with your clients. You are not dependent on a pharmacy, the pre-packager or a health insurer. The only thing is that the client receives his medication in a roll.
The Pico is then operational within 15 minutes. In addition, you give back some of your own control to your client.

Informal Caregiver support
Informal Caregiver support

The pressure on informal carers is ever-increasing. Using the Pico relieves some of this pressure. As an informal carer, you can "monitor" your client's medication intake.
You receive a warning if the medication is not taken or not taken on time.

Clinical trials
Clinical trials

Increase the quality of your studies
Clinical trial sponsors and CROs are under increasing pressure to deliver results more efficiently and with higher quality. Setbacks due to non-compliance with study medication intake, lack of patient engagement or data integrity issues can be costly.
The Pico Mass is a data-driven study patient support platform that helps reduce these risks for clinical trial sponsors.
The Pico adds value to phase II to phase IV studies and multidose post-marketing studies and increases medication adherence to above 95%

Private user
Private user

You will be reminded to take your medication by means of a sound and light signal. Also for the use of medication not packaged in bags, such as ear drops, drinks, etc.
The big advantage of the Pico is that you never have to think about your medication again. A complete mental discharge takes place. This also applies to your possible partner or informal caregiver!
When you leave home, you will receive a text message or Whatsapp that it is time to take medication.

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Healthcare must be affordable and, above all, accessible to everyone. This requires new, innovative solutions. Massyst supplies a connected medicine dispenser, the Pico Mass for pouch rolls and various client groups. A safe, practical and cost-saving solution for people with a chronic condition and a great help and cost saving solution for care organizations

Why Pico Mass?

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    The Pico Mass provides complete mental relief for the user and his or her partner. Never worry about your medication again.
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    The Pico Mass increases drug adherence to over 95%!
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    The Pico Mass also has the option of a “from home option” with  IOS/Android native App warning at the moment of swallowing.
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    Self-management for the user, or by the healthcare organization, via the PicoCare self-service and communication portal.
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    All Baxter rolls fit without adjustments to the layout, the length of the bag and the barcodes used.
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    The Pico Mass also warns you against the use of medication not packaged in the bags. Think of ear, eye and nose drops, ointments, short-term antibiotic treatments, etc.
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    Available off the “shelf” and ready for immediate use. Operational in 15 minutes. So no implementation process!
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    Complete warning system for family, informal caregivers, professional caregivers through  IOS/Android app , dashboard, email, link to a 24/7 Care Center.
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    Never any malfunctions, no stuck rolls, no wrongly cut bags.
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    Healthcare organizations save on time, travel costs and overhead costs: more time for the client.
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    Healthcare organizations have a dashboard at organization, department and district level. See at a glance who is “late”.
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    The Pico Mass is at least 80% - 90% cheaper to manage, subscribe and purchase than existing connected dispensers.
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    More than 20 years of experience in innovation in healthcare!

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